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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals

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Yoga and Tai Chi

  • Easy Yoga for Seniors - Veteran instructor Pat Laster will help you experience the benefits of yoga. Through simple postures and gentle stretches, muscles and joints will gradually regain their youthful mobility. A perfect activity for seniors that incorporates breathing and awareness into the movements, thereby increasing overall health.

  • Quigong for Health - The 5 Element Qigong Qigong ("Chi Kung") is one of the oldest exercises in Chinese history, dating back over 1,000 years. Many believe it has near-magical power to transform your mental and physical health. Qigong uses a variety of easy-to-learn breathing and meditative exercises to strengthen your qi ("chi"), the life energy within you. The stronger your qi, the healthier you are. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, all things in the universe are made up of five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These elements all have different properties: earth nurtures all living things, water irrigates the earth, metal is sharp, wood grows and fire is hot. While one evolves from another, they also negate each other. For example, wood gives life to fire - but water quenches it. These five elements also represent the five major organs in your body. This video will teach you the 5 Element Qigong, step-by-step. You'll also learn warm up, washing qi (wind down) exercises - and a bonus demonstration of the Sun Style Tai Chi Forms.

  • Tai Chi for back Pain - Designed to relieve back pain, restore ability to work and play, improve health and quality of life, this program will also help people using wheelchairs and with other medical conditions. There are numerous forms of tai chi. This program places special emphasis on strengthening the deep stabilizing muscles of the spine and contains adaptations for people with other chronic disabilities. It aims at helping you cope better with daily tasks, as well as improving your mental and physical health. No prior knowledge of tai chi is necessary.

  • Tai Chi for Diabetes - The program includes a general introduction of Tai Chi and diabetes, warm up and cooling down exercises, Qigong for Diabetes, 11 basic movements and 8 advanced movements. Viewers can learn at your own pace using the easy-to-learn and step-by-step instructions. It is designed to help prevent and improve control of diabetes by gently increasing physical activities, cellular uptake of glucose and relaxation. It enhances Qi (life energy), which according to traditional Chinese medicine will help control diabetes. This program can be used for general fitness and health.

  • Tai Chi for Arthritis - This 80-minute video or DVD contains a complete exercise program designed to help people with arthritis to gain better control of their ailment. The video commences with a general introduction. Medical experts discuss why exercise is important for people with arthritis. The Tai Chi program begins with warm-up exercises. You will then be guided through the Basic 6 Movements that form the core of the program. When you are ready, you can progress to the Advanced 6 Movements to improve your skill. The video also contains a bonus Qigong breathing exercise to promote relaxation.

  • Tai Chi for Arthritis II - It contains the new 9 movements, exploration of the depth of the Tai Chi for Arthritis set and the reverse side. It will suit anyone who has learned the original 12 movements to gain more health benefits and improve Tai Chi. The Tai Chi for Arthritis has helped thousands of people improve their quality of life. The program is supported by Arthritis Foundations around the world. People have been learning it at classes led by trained instructors or at home from the self-learning video/DVD and the handbook. This video/DVD will suit people who have completed the Tai Chi for Arthritis Program and wish to gain more health benefits and enhance Tai Chi skill. This video/DVD includes the reverse 12 movements, it explores the depth and essential principles of the original set and the step-by-step teaching of the new 9 movements.

  • Tai Chi for Elders - Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise, developed by physicians to improve people's health. It's slow, smooth movements make it easy on the joints, and help develop a person's balance, flexibility and sense of relaxation. The exercises in this tape have been specially adapted to make them easier to learn. The tape includes information on the health benefits of Tai Chi, safely guidelines, detailed descriptions of the movements as modeled by 76 year old Shizu lofton and footage of Ms. Lofton leading a group of seniors in the exercise.

  • Tai Chi for Older Adults - Especially designed for older adults without any prior knowledge of Tai Chi, the movements taught here are easy to learn. Based on Yang style Tai Chi, the tape includes a bonus Sitting Qigong for relaxation.

  • Tai Chi for Osteoporosis - The program commences with medical experts who explain osteoporosis and how the program can be helpful. Without prior Tai Chi knowledge, you can learn from Dr. Lam's step-by-step instructions. For further improvement, there are Advanced Instructions. A demonstration of Dr. Lam performing the set is provided for revision at the end. This program is designed for an average learner to complete in 3 to 6 months, spending half an hour a day. There is no advantage in learning it in a hurry. It is not how quickly you learn the program, it is how well you learn it that gives you maximum health benefits and enjoyment. With Tai Chi, often, the people who learn slowly gain more benefits and progress further. If you are unable to do the forms exactly as shown on the DVD/video, you should do what you can within your comfort zone and visualize doing it as shown. Visualization can give health benefits and improve Tai Chi.

  • Tai Chi for Seniors - This video/DVD finally makes Tai Chi easy and fun to do. Designed for seniors, this video/DVD is also a terrific fundamental video/DVD for anyone interested in Tai Chi. Mark Johnson has eliminated all the unnecessary kicking and punching usually taught in Tai Chi and has gathered only the moves that are most conducive to self healing. Mark has created a simple style considered by many as "the most beneficial for health" video/DVD on the market.

  • Tai Chi for Young People - This challenging, faster-paced program, based on the International Competition Forms, is designed for young people to improve concentration and fitness, and is complementary to other sporting activities.

  • Yogability and You with Shelley Sidelman - This video is specifically designed to help individuals with disabilities due to illness, an accident or who are recovering from surgery. This is appropriate for people with Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, Parkinson's or Fibromyalgia or who are recovering from an illness, accident or surgery, Yogability and You is designed specifically to enable individuals reduce pain, increase circulation and improve flexibility. Individuals will learn simple breathing, relaxation and stretching techniques while sitting, to help reduce stress, increase circulation and improve flexibility.

  • Yoga for Arthritis - This video is for people with a variety of types of arthritis and related conditions, including fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. It is also recommended for people with MS who need to exercise seated. It shows a range of ages and levels, and can be done while sitting, making it also an excellent, basic exercise program for anyone in a wheelchair, or for those who need or simply prefer to exercise while seated. Created for the Arthritis Foundation by exercise and physical therapists, this state-of-the-art, yoga-based program includes: breathing techniques, stretches, strengthening exercises, an aerobic section, and a total body relaxation. All five participants on this tape have various types of arthritis (one has MS), work at different levels, and range in age from 35 to 72.

  • Yoga for MS and Related Conditions - Yoga for MS and Related Conditions is an excellent and highly recommended exercise video. This non-aerobic, complete workout... includes exercises, stretches, and proper breathing techniques. A 10-minute relaxation segment at the end is absolutely hypnotic and calming and could be used by anyone after a stressful day. The back exercises are especially good for anyone with back problems.

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