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Low Carb Diet Stories

raymond bonnerRaymond
Raymond has an L1 spinal cord injury.

Total Weight Loss:  32 lbs.
Time Period of Weight Loss:  about 6 months

Q: When did you begin the Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet?
A: Started kind of in June and then for real in July of 2014.

Q: What made you choose the LCHF diet as your method for weight loss over the other diets that are popular today?
A: Fat is flavor! And I could still eat bacon. Who doesn't want a diet where they can have bacon and butter!

Q: Have you tried other diets in the past? If so, tell me a bit about that experience.
A: Nope - no other diets - just workout so you don't get fat…

Q: What was it like to start the LCHF diet?
A: It wasn't bad but finding things to eat that didn't have carbs was challenging in the beginning. Some days I didn't feel great - I missed the sugar rush of energy- I needed more motivation to move! But that eventually wore off and I am fine now. Thank you coffee!

Q: How much weight have you lost since you started the LCHF diet?
A: As of right now 32 pounds…and counting.

Q: When did you first start seeing a change in your body?
A: I still don't see it really- my neck is a little thinner maybe.

Q: Did you feel any different on the LCHF diet? If so, what changed?
A: My joints said thank you from the weight loss! It's easier to move and transfer now.

Q: How long do you see yourself sticking with the LCHF diet?
A: Well I just call it a way of life now. I still may enjoy some carbs now and then on a cheat day or on special occasions but even then only in moderation.

Q: In your opinion, what do people need to know about the LCHF diet?
A: Fat is not bad! You would be surprised at how many carbs you are really consuming- and it really isn't that hard to cut them out, it just takes a little discipline! I'm also not hungry all the time which is great.

Additional Comments: Raymond has also seen significant improvements in his blood pressure.

luke hansonLuke
Luke is an Information Specialist with NCHPAD.

Total Weight Loss:  45 lbs.
Time Period of Weight Loss:  about 9 months
Time Period of Weight Maintenance:  about 5 months

Q: When did you begin the Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet?
A: October 2013

Q: What made you choose the LCHF diet as your method for weight loss over the other diets that are popular today?
A: I liked that it involved minimal counting of certain nutrients, as well as minimal restrictions, and that the diet included many of my personal favorite foods and drinks. So, I didn’t have to do a lot of work to make my daily eating fit the diet, and I didn’t have to give up too many of my favorite foods.

Q: Have you tried other diets in the past? If so, tell me a bit about that experience.
A: I’ve tried counting calories in the past, and had minimal benefit. I work out regularly, and have since before and during this round of dieting and other diets. The only thing that changed was the amount of carbs, especially in the forms of processed flour and sugar that I took in.

Q: What was it like to start the LCHF diet?
A: It was a little weird at first. The main difficulty was from unplanned meals, such as when I’d be in a hurry to get to work and not have time to make breakfast and/or lunch. Whereas I might usually get a sandwich and chips or something similar, I had to change up how I ate out in these situations. I made peace pretty quickly with getting weird looks when I’d order a couple of hamburgers, or something similar, and eat them with a fork and no bun. However, after initially going through this when eating out in general, it became common enough that it wasn’t a big deal.

Q: Did you have any negative symptoms from this diet and if so, how long did they last?
A: I didn’t really notice any differences in mood, energy, etc. I wouldn’t call it a symptom, but I definitely know now when I’m hungry. It’s like a switch gets flipped and I immediately go from full to craving. When I ate more bread- and sugar-based snacks, I was more in the middle between full and hungry. Now, I know for sure one way or the other.

Q: How much weight have you lost since you started the LCHF diet?
A: I started dieting because I hit 241 on the scale, and very distinctly thought, for my size, that was too much. From start to finish of actively trying to lose weight, I dropped 45 lbs., down to 196. For the past four to five months, I tend to be between 195 and 200.

Q: When did you first start seeing a change in your body?
A: I definitely saw change on the scale first. I think I started noting a change in my body after about two months.

Q: Did you feel any different on the LCHF diet? If so, what changed?
A: Honestly, not really, minus obviously feeling lighter and better. Before the diet if I had a craving I would typically cave in and eat whatever; on the diet, I would occasionally want something and actively have to say, “No, that’s not part of the diet, stay away.” It was frustrating at first, but I enjoyed the discipline I developed in moving away from allowing certain foods and cravings to control parts of my life and mood.

Q: How long do you see yourself sticking with the LCHF diet?
A: I don’t know. I will allow myself to lapse more now, in terms of occasionally eating a dessert or snack food that I wouldn’t have touched in the first six or so months of dieting. That said, I don’t want to gain back the weight, and I’m convinced diet is what changed it, so I think I’ll stick with a slightly less strict version of the LCHF for the foreseeable future.

Q: In your opinion, what do people need to know about the LCHF diet?
A: I would recommend researching all types of food in advance. Don’t just say, “If I do this diet, I can never eat this food, or type of food, again.” It’s so much more than just eating meat, cheese, and green vegetables. I’ve learned some really cool things about types of nutrients I’m putting into my body, and more about the composition of certain foods. Additionally, there are some affordable, tasty replacements for certain staples. I’ve grown to really love almond milk, way more than I ever did dairy. And it’s amazing what you can do with alternative products and substitutions, like almond instead of wheat flour, sweet versus white potatoes, and so on. For me, it was really cool to put the work in up front and continue learning, as opposed to approaching a diet where each day was a calorie-counting chore.

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