
New Year Intention Setting

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The new year offers time to pause and reflect on the previous year before starting fresh. In this blog from Tara Beech, NCHPAD Mindfulness Instructor, we focus on intention setting to create a clear and focused outlook on the new year, a key element of the NCHPAD MENTOR program.

“Our intentions create our reality.”  Dr. Wayne Dyer

The new year often represents a time to reset and begin again. It can become a time of making big promises with New Year’s resolutions. However, any of us who have made resolutions in the past knows how hard it is to start new habits and keep up the momentum to sustain them. Anyone who has signed up for a gym membership in January and tried to get out of that contract later in the year knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Take a moment to pause and reflect.

First, consider – What are the things that made you happy the year before? What did you get excited about? What things happened that you felt good about?

Is there a theme tying these things together? Is there a word or phrase that represents the feeling or action?

Next, consider – What are some of the things that are challenging to you? Are you over-committed? Have you been dealing with health challenges? Do you have a strain in your relationships?

Is there an intention, such as self-care or compassion, that you can set to support you through these challenges?

For myself, I would like to be less critical of myself and others and the phrase, “Be judicious with your words” comes to mind. I have two questions to ask myself before I speak or go into deep thought that will help me remember this.

Is it kind?

Does it need to be said?

Do my thoughts reflect self-compassion and kindness?

Here is a sample of other words that might

inspire you to set an intention for yourself:

Words of Reflection

pause, reset,

gratitude, resilience,

optimism, awe,

and awareness.

Words of Change

rest, renew,

nourish, recharge,

simplify, energize,

and grow

Words of Connection

forgive, relate,

reconnect, balance,

cherish, comfort,

and listen

Choosing something that resonates for you. You might ask how you can align a word or phrase with something that will contribute to your sense of ease.

Use the word or phrase as a resource to shift your mindset when you feel caught up or stuck in narratives and stories that pull you away from your values, intentions, and hopes.

You might honor your intention and chosen word or phrase by pausing to light a candle or placing a hand on your heart.

May you encounter much joy, peace,

and love in the new year!


Tara Beech

Mindfulness Meditation Instructor

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