
Navigating Life with MS: The Therapeutic Power of Sailing

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Scott Crawford, PhD, is a disability rights activist from Mississippi living with multiple sclerosis (MS). Crawford is a dedicated advocate for individuals with disabilities, focusing on transportation to ensure public access to streets, sidewalks and buildings. 

He also has a passion for another form of transportation: sailing, a hobby that he has had since he was a child. 

“Sailing is an empowering feeling,” Crawford explained. “You become part of the wind. You’re feeling the wind hit the sails, and you’re feeling the momentum push you forward. Even if you’re not able to see, you will feel it, and you’ll feel the waves, you’ll hear the splashing of the waves. You become one with nature.”

Crawford appreciates both the physical and mental aspects of sailing. Adapted sailing provides Crawford an accessible workout as well as quality time in nature – important for his mental health.

“It’s a challenge and it’s also an adventure,” Crawford said. “All of that takes a lot of effort for somebody with MS. And it’s about the most therapeutic thing there is because sailing is a combination of peace and serenity.”

Outdoor activities for individuals with disabilities can have tremendous health benefits, and many adapted programs can be tailored to an individual’s level of mobility. 

“I encourage people with disabilities to try sailing,” Crawford said. “It can be made accessible to people with lots of different abilities and sometimes even adaptable for people with more significant disabilities. I’d encourage you to try that kind of challenge because it’s extremely rewarding.”

Check out Crawford’s story – one of his latest adventures at the Jackson Yacht Club – in the video above!

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