
National Trails Day and the importance of time in nature

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June 3 is National Trails Day, the “nationwide movement to give back to trails and build a world where everyone feels welcome and has access to enjoy the great outdoors,” according to the American Hiking Society.

Recently, our friend Dr. Scott Crawford shared how he was able to enjoy some time in nature on a hike – thanks to a wheelchair-accessible trail at the Mississippi Agriculture Museum in Jackson, Miss. The accessible route took him through the woods to enjoy an overlook of Eubanks Creek. “I was there for a meeting, but arrived early to ‘explore,’” said Dr. Crawford. “People with mobility limitations rarely get out in nature, so I try to savor every opportunity I get.”

A raised accessible trail outdoors
An outdoor accessible path
An accessible outdoor landing with a tree growing through it

Outdoor time in nature is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. It’s also one of 11 evidence-based elements of health that our MENTOR program is based on. Each element is part of the acronym MY SCORECARD: Mindfulness, Your spirit, Self-care, Core Values, Outdoor time in nature, Relationship building, Exercise, Contribution to others, Arts and leisure, Rest and relaxation, and Diet. In the MENTOR program, our expert health coaches and instructors combine these elements through personalized instruction and resources to help you reach your health goals – at no cost to you.

Learn more about the MENTOR program here, or reach us at or 866-866-8896 to sign up.

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