
Challenge Yourself to A Week’s Worth of Wellness

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This challenge encourages you to take one week to analyze your current state of wellness.  During that week you will look at one dimension of wellness each day and determine where you fall on a path to overall wellness.  Each day you are encouraged to document your thoughts while analyzing that dimension.  Action tips are provided to generate wellness-promoting ideas that coincide with each dimension.  For six days you will analyze your current state of wellness and finish with day seven to reflect.

The physical dimension identifies the importance of physical activity and good nutrition, as well as self-management of other health promotion areas such as tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.  In addition, this dimension focuses on personal responsibility for medical self-care and understanding when professional medical attention is needed.  The path to wellness will result in sound nutrition, regular physical activity, and proper self-management of health promotion and medical concerns.

Today: Analyze your current state of physical wellness based on the description.  Are you participating in regular physical activity for a minimum of 150 minutes per week in accordance with the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans?  Are you incorporating movement into your day in addition to planned exercise to avoid being sedentary?  Are you consuming food and beverages that will enhance good health, or help to manage  a dietary concern such as type II diabetes?  Are you practicing health promotion self-management to keep secondary conditions such as pressure sores and pain in check? Are you monitoring your own vital signs, such as blood pressure and blood sugar, and scheduling routine visits to a primary care physician? Consider other components to the physical dimension of wellness that are specific to you.

Action Tips: Increase your cardiovascular physical activity by 30 minutes this week.  Options include brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, Zumba®, and using gym equipment (elliptical, rowing, arm ergometer).  Move away from your desk every hour for five minutes and walk, stand, pace, or Deskercise!

The social dimension encourages a connection and contribution to your community and environment.  In addition, this dimension focuses on finding one’s importance in society while improving the world through healthier living and communication.  The path to wellness will result in selfless thinking by contributing to your community and living harmoniously without conflict.  

Today: Analyze your current state of social wellness based on the description.  How are you currently engaged with your community?  Do you take an active part in protecting the environment through eco-friendly green living?  Does your community support you by providing accessibility and safe spaces to recreate?  If not, how can you facilitate accord with your community and promote community health inclusion?  These are a few examples of components of social wellness. Explore what is specific to you. 

Action Tips:  Take cloth tote bags with you to the grocery store instead of using the provided paper or plastic.  Seek out a local organization to either volunteer with or participate in their 5k race (and make sure it is accessible to you).  If your community has an outdoor trail that is safe and accessible to you, use it for some physical activity this week. 

The intellectual dimension recognizes the individual’s ability to participate in imaginative and stimulating mental activities.  In addition, this dimension focuses on sharing gifts and talents with others while expanding personal knowledge and skills.  The path to wellness will result in seeking creative endeavors and continually exploring one’s intellectual curiosity. 

Today: Analyze your current state of intellectual wellness based on the description.  Do you spend time expanding your knowledge through reading and problem-solving?  Do you have a gift or talent that you share with others?  Are you productive with your learning and find activities that stimulate mental growth?

Action Tips: Pick a new book to begin reading and swap an hour of television time this week to start.  Identify a continuing education opportunity that fits your professional or personal interests and sign up to participate. 

The spiritual dimension discusses one’s search for sense of purpose and meaning in life.  The path to wellness will result in living in a way that is true to oneself where everyday actions agree with beliefs and values.

Today: Analyze your current state of spiritual wellness based on the description.  Are you living in a way that is consistent with your beliefs and values?  Are you seeking meaning and purpose in your life?

Action Tips: Allow yourself 10 minutes of silence in the morning to reflect on and grow your spiritual wellness in whatever manner you choose.otional

The emotional dimension distinguishes the ability to have a positive outlook while managing and expressing one’s feelings.  In addition, this dimension focuses on living enthusiastically, seeking independence, and coping with stress.  The path to wellness will result in recognition of feelings, maintaining positive relationships with others, being optimistic, and harvesting challenges as healthy. 

Today: Analyze your current state of emotional wellness based on the description.  Do you recognize, accept, and express your feelings freely?  Do you have an optimistic versus pessimistic outlook on life and recognize challenges as being healthy?  Are you living independently to the best of your abilities?  Do you practice stress management techniques and identify potential stressors in your life?

Action Tips: Perform some stress relieving yoga poses each day.  Start writing in a journal to capture and become in-tune with your feelings from the day.

The occupational dimension discusses the complement of a career that is gratifying to the individual by mirroring personal values and beliefs.  In addition, this dimension focuses on achieving satisfaction through life’s work while developing functional skills through active involvement.  The path to wellness will result in choosing work and performance endeavors that are rewarding to the individual while actively advancing and contributing unique skills to the profession. 

Today: Analyze your current state of occupational wellness based on the description.  Is your current profession providing satisfaction to your life?  Are you actively contributing your talents and skills in the work environment?  Are you seeking out opportunities to be involved in your workplace or to further develop skills?

Action Tips: Plan a walking meeting with coworkers this week or find a webinar or other continuing education opportunity that is beneficial to your profession and sign up to participate and, for an added bonus, seek active involvement by inviting coworkers. 

Congratulations on completing a week of self-reflection and analysis of your wellness journey! Today marks the culmination of your efforts as you reflect on the dimensions of wellness explored over the past six days.

Take a moment to review your insights from each day and consider how they interconnect to form a holistic view of your overall wellness. Reflect on the actions you’ve taken and the areas where you’ve identified opportunities for growth and improvement.

As you wrap up this week, consider the following questions:

  • What patterns or themes have emerged from your reflections on each dimension of wellness?
  • How do these insights inform your understanding of your current state of wellness?
  • What action steps have you identified to enhance your well-being in various areas of your life?
  • Are there any additional dimensions of wellness that you would like to explore further?

Use today as an opportunity to celebrate your progress and reaffirm your commitment to prioritize your health and well-being. Remember that wellness is a journey, and each day presents new opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Well done on investing in yourself and taking proactive steps toward a healthier, happier life. Here’s to continued growth, vitality, and well-being!

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